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Relax and listen to engaging audio narrations of translated Tibetan texts. 

A Series of Spontaneous Spiritual Songs

00:00 / 06:03

Two spontaneous songs by Lelung Zhepe Dorje: one honoring the mysterious Je Traktung Pawo, another celebrating unobstructed awareness - both transmitting direct spiritual experience through verse.

Biography of Getse Lama Jigme Ngotsar Gy

In Praise of the Goddess Sarasvatī

00:00 / 01:31

Tsongkhapa's celebrated ode to Sarasvatī resonates beyond monastery walls into Tibet's artistic and literary spheres, becoming a cultural touchstone of devotional poetry.

Biography of Getse Lama Jigme Ngotsar Gy

A Brief Biography of Jetsunma Do Dasal Wangmo

00:00 / 10:36

A renowned female master in eastern Tibet, Do Dasal Wangmo - Do Khyentse's great-granddaughter - served as nun, physician, and treasure revealer, later teaching medicine despite political hardship.

Biography of Getse Lama Jigme Ngotsar Gy

A Letter to Hotoktu Rinpoche

00:00 / 03:35

A mysterious letter from the Ninth Paṇchen Lama's secretary to Hotoktu Rinpoche, now preserved in a French private collection - its acquisition history remains unknown.

Biography of Getse Lama Jigme Ngotsar Gy

A Song on the Merits of Kyangpen Namkhe Dzong

00:00 / 01:54

Milarepa's poetic ode to Kyangpen Namkhe Dzong exalts nature itself as the source of this retreat site's blessing power, departing from traditional focus on Buddhist masters.

Biography of Getse Lama Jigme Ngotsar Gy

The Magical Lasso: A Prayer of Aspiration to Accomplish Khecara

00:00 / 08:29

A heartfelt prayer to the ḍākinīs of three worlds, composed at Pemokö's Dudul Dewa Chenpo, seeking blessings to master the Vajrayāna path for all beings' benefit.

Biography of Getse Lama Jigme Ngotsar Gy

A Prayer to Lord Atiśa and His Spiritual Sons

00:00 / 06:28

Khenpo Ngawang Palzang's devotional prayer to Jowo Je Atiśa and his successors captures the essence of spiritual lineage while embodying profound Buddhist devotion.

Biography of Getse Lama Jigme Ngotsar Gy

The Vajra Verses: A Prayer of the Fierce Inner Heat

00:00 / 01:52

Jigme Lingpa's Longchen Nyingtik instruction on fierce inner heat practice, composed as a supplication to be sung between lineage prayers and practice commencement.

Biography of Getse Lama Jigme Ngotsar Gy

The Guidebook to the Hidden Land of Pemokö

00:00 / 14:14

The first guidebook to Pemokö, revealed as a treasure by Jatson Nyinpo, prophesies future degeneration and identifies this sacred hidden land as a sanctuary.

Biography of Getse Lama Jigme Ngotsar Gy

The Drop of Spring: A Spontaneous Vajra Song of Definitive Meaning That Supplicates the Great Charioteers of the Luminous Mahāmudrā

00:00 / 10:15

A vajra song supplicating the early Dagpo Kagyu masters while expressing aspirations for realization through the luminous Mahāmudrā path.

Biography of Getse Lama Jigme Ngotsar Gy

Generating Wonder & Glory: A Supplication to Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo’s Successive Lives Arranged in a Rough Summary

00:00 / 05:17

Jamgön Kongtrul traces Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo's remarkable previous incarnations, revealing unexpected connections to significant Buddhist masters through history.

Biography of Getse Lama Jigme Ngotsar Gy

Abbreviated Biography of Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo

00:00 / 08:29

Jamgön Kongtrul celebrates Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo's mastery of diverse Tibetan spiritual traditions in this reverent biographical account.

Biography of Getse Lama Jigme Ngotsar Gy
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