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A Biography of Chöje Lingpa by Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Taye, detailing the life of Chöje Lingpa (Rogje Lingpa), a seventeenth- to eighteenth-century Tibetan treasure revealer (tertön) known for discovering and transmitting profound spiritual treasures (terma), including teachings on Guru Padmasambhava, Mahāmudrā, and Dzogchen.

Biography of Getse Lama Jigme Ngotsar Gy

Two spontaneous songs by Lelung Zhepe Dorje: one honoring the mysterious Je Traktung Pawo, another celebrating unobstructed awareness - both transmitting direct spiritual experience through verse.

Biography of Getse Lama Jigme Ngotsar Gy

In this 1245 dream vision at Palpuk Ring, Guru Chöwang encounters his recurring guide, a ḍākinī named Yeshe Gyen, at his childhood home - sparking profound symbolic revelations of dharmic truth.

Biography of Getse Lama Jigme Ngotsar Gy

Armed with the 'scroll of devastation' from his father, Guru Chöwang's first treasure excavation leads to a terrifying encounter with the Nine-Headed Nāga Demon, guardian of hidden teachings.

Biography of Getse Lama Jigme Ngotsar Gy

During an alchemical corpse ritual, Guru Chöwang meets Padmasambhava in a profound encounter that defies categorization as dream, vision, or reality - an event he insisted truly occurred.

Biography of Getse Lama Jigme Ngotsar Gy

After five days of Guru Pema practice, Chöwang's pure vision atop Mt Meru reveals worldly omens and a profound teaching: all phenomena, even demons, arise from mind itself.

Biography of Getse Lama Jigme Ngotsar Gy

The reincarnation lineage of Tsoknyi Özer exemplified supreme devotion - illustrated by the Third Tsoknyi's offering of his burning finger as a lamp to fulfill his guru's wishes.

Biography of Getse Lama Jigme Ngotsar Gy

A realized female master, Ḍākki Losal Drölma served as custodian of her half-brother Do Khyentse's treasure teachings while deepening her own spiritual attainments in Tibet's sacred sites

Biography of Getse Lama Jigme Ngotsar Gy

Son of Do Khyentse and recognized as Jigme Lingpa's son's reincarnation, Rigpe Raltri became a revered Minyak guru, transmitting the Yangsang Khandro Tugtik treasures to his own son.

Biography of Getse Lama Jigme Ngotsar Gy

A chronology of birth and death dates mapping Do Khyentse Yeshe Dorje's family lineage through its key figures and connections.

Biography of Getse Lama Jigme Ngotsar Gy

Tsongkhapa's celebrated ode to Sarasvatī resonates beyond monastery walls into Tibet's artistic and literary spheres, becoming a cultural touchstone of devotional poetry.

Biography of Getse Lama Jigme Ngotsar Gy

A renowned female master in eastern Tibet, Do Dasal Wangmo - Do Khyentse's great-granddaughter - served as nun, physician, and treasure revealer, later teaching medicine despite political hardship.

Biography of Getse Lama Jigme Ngotsar Gy


A unique window into Tibet's literary treasures 
spanning many genres and time-periods.

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