An Aspiration to Travel to the Hidden Land of Pemokö

tsa sum kündü pema tö treng tsal
Embodiment of the Three Roots, Pema Tötrengtsal,
pawo khandrö tsok dang chepa nam
Together with the gatherings of heroes and ḍākinīs,
བདག་གི་སྨོན་པ་འག ྲུབ་པའི་དཔང་པོ་རུ།
dak gi mönpa drubpé pangpo ru
Come here unimpededly and remain
tokmé shek la dir shuk gong su sol
Witnessing me as I make this aspiration, I pray.
dakshen kyé pak kün kyi dü sum du
Through whatever collections of virtue that accumulated throughout the three times by myself
sakpé gé tsok jinyé gyipa dang
And others, all ordinary beings and noble ones,
rigdzin khandrö tukkyé den tob kyi
And the power of the truth of the bodhicitta resolve of the vidyādharas and ḍākinīs,
mönpé dön di tokmé nyur drub shok
May the aim of this aspiration be quickly accomplished without impediment!
gangchen kyegü sönam shing chok tu
In this supreme meritorious realm of the people of the snow mountains,
པདྨས་བྱིན་བརླབ་སྦས་གནས་ཀ ུན་ཀྱི་མཆོག
pemé jin lab bé né kün kyi chok
Supreme among all the hidden lands blessed by Padmasambhava is
khachö nyipa pemo kö di yi
This second Khecara, Pemokö—
ngotsar nangwa ten la pebpar shok
May we see its wondrous marvel in actuality!
jung shi yang chü nö kyi gé chu gyé
In the environment of the essential wealth of the four elements, the ten virtues increase, and
lo lek kya gyal dögu ngang gi du
The grain of a good harvest and everything one could desire naturally come together
né yam truktsö dü kyi chepa kün
Even the names of the calamities of contagious disease, strife, and war are not heard—
ming yang mi drak taktu shipar shok
May there be this constant auspiciousness!
lalo migö chenzen bu drang sok
Barbarians, savages, carnivorous wild beasts and insects and the like,
chu der chewachen kyi duktsub dang
With their menacing claws, fangs, and beaks, as well as
né sung dé gyé khandrö chotrul sok
The sorcerous tricks of the local guardians, the eight classes of spirits, and the ḍākinīs—
zukmé tsub mé barché shiwar shok
May all unseen disruptive obstacles be pacified!
trang bur shu tor tsé né kang bam dang
May swollen protrusions, abscesses, inflammatory diseases, elephantiasis,
དམུ་ཆུ་གྲང་ བ་ཆུ་སེར་ལ་སོགས་པའི།
mu chu drangwa chuser lasokpé
Edema, cold natured illnesses, lymphatic disorders, and all such illnesses
jung shi né dang duk lang gyünché ching
Of the four elements and infectious vapours,
dönnyer chen kün gekmé dröpar shok
Be eliminated and all who possess ardour travel without obstruction!
gangchen bö kyi kalden kün du shing
May the fortunate ones of snowy Tibet come together
shedrub tubten nyingpo darwa dang
And spread the essential teachings of theory and practice,
khyepar dorjé tekpé nyurlam lé
Particularly, by the swift path of the Vajrayāna,
bé né drubtob po mö gangwar shok
May the hidden land be filled with male and female accomplished ones.
gangshik né dir dröpa tsam gyi mö
Whoever merely aspires to reach this place—
dikdrib nyetung drimé tsok dak né
Their accumulated stains of misdeeds, obscurations, faults, and downfalls will be purified,
nyam dang tokpa ngang gyi barwa dang
And by the natural blazing of experience and realisation,
tsa lung tiklé min ching drolwar shok
May the channels, winds, and essences ripen and be liberated!
né di gojé shepé dorjé dang
May the intentions of the ones who opened this hidden land, Zhepe Dorje and
རྒྱལ་ཡུམ་ ལྷ་གཅིག་རྡོ་རྗེ་སྐྱབས་བྱེད་ཀྱི།
gyalyum lha chik dorjé kyab jé kyi
The mother of the victorious ones Lhachik Dorje Kyabje,[1]
tuk kyi shepa jishin drubpa dang
Be accomplished just as they were made.